Leverage Video
to Earn More $$$

Get started today

with our quick-start guide, and begin making videos with ease.

Even a small video library will save you time, and make you more money.

This guide will show you the way.

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Video is a ...learn to use it!


We have sold several jobs and almost all new clients mention our videos. Our credibility has increased and my life is easier. 

Jeff R.

Mountain Heart Stone

Making videos has made work fun again, plus it is bringing in new work. I just wish I would have started sooner. 


Ron P.

Diamond Electric
HOME video marketing

I have every new build client watch my videos before I come and give an estimate and the results have been excellent. The clients are well informed and prepared by the time I get there, and the whole job starts off on the right foot. 

Zack W.

Eden Landscapes

Be The Authority

Save Time

Expand Your Market

Kick Up Some Dust

Acquire skills

Show & Tell

Share Your Knowledge

Get in the game

solve problems

personal development

do Good Work? Share it. 

shoot construction home

Great Northern

Camera Square

JK Boots

farmhouse video marketing


HOME video marketing


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Ready To Get Started?



  • correct

    1 Hour Group Zoom Call

  • correct

    Quicky-Pro Edit Checklist

  • correct

    10 Video Templates

There are so many good cameras out there it really don’t matter a lot what you choose. Get a camera that can accept an external microphone, have a screen that flips or faces .



  • correct

    1 Hour Zoom Call

  • correct

    Quicky-Pro Edit Checklist

  • correct

    'Dutch Oven' Video Template Framework

There are so many good cameras out there it really don’t matter a lot what you choose. Get a camera that can accept an external microphone, have a screen that flips or faces .



  • correct

    6 Campfire Zoom Calls

  • correct

    'Find your Voice’ call with EC

  • correct

    Hands on Assistance with 6 Videos

  • correct

    Forever access to Fireside

There are so many good cameras out there it really don’t matter a lot what you choose. Get a camera that can accept an external microphone, have a screen that flips or faces .

Frequently Asked Questions